Tanker Vetting Inspections OCIMF SIRE

Tanker vetting is a process within the maritime industry aimed at evaluating and assessing the safety, quality, and operational standards of oil and chemical tankers. The primary goal of tanker vetting is to ensure that vessels engaged in the transportation of liquid cargoes, especially hazardous or environmentally sensitive ones, meet certain criteria and adhere to industry best practices. Synordik has expert team to prepare the vessel for vetting and conduct the pre- vetting inspections to obtain excellent results:

  • Purpose - Tanker vetting is conducted to mitigate the risks associated with the transportation of liquid cargoes, particularly hydrocarbons and chemicals, which have the potential for environmental, health, and safety hazards.
  • Vetting Authorities - Vetting is typically carried out by various stakeholders, including oil and chemical companies, insurers, charterers, and industry organizations like the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).
  • Criteria and Standards -
    • Vessel Condition: The physical condition of the tanker is assessed, including the maintenance and integrity of the hull, machinery, and equipment.
    • Crew Competency: The qualifications, experience, and training of the ship's crew are reviewed.
    • Safety Systems: The presence and effectiveness of safety systems, such as fire-fighting equipment and emergency response procedures, are evaluated.
    • Environmental Standards: Compliance with environmental regulations, especially in terms of preventing oil spills and emissions, is a critical aspect of vetting.
    • Operational Procedures: The vessel's operational procedures, including cargo handling and navigation, are scrutinized.
    • Compliance with Industry Guidelines: Tankers are expected to adhere to industry guidelines and standards set by organizations like OCIMF.
  • Vetting Process -
    • Inspection: Vetting inspectors visit the vessel to assess its condition, crew competence, and compliance with safety and environmental standards.
    • Documentation Review: The ship's documentation, including certificates, maintenance records, and operational manuals, is thoroughly reviewed.
    • Risk Assessment: The vetting authority assesses the overall risk associated with the vessel and its operations.
  • Rating and Approval - Based on the assessment, the vessel is assigned a rating or grade. A positive vetting result indicates that the tanker is considered safe and compliant, while a negative rating may lead to corrective actions or even refusal of charter.
  • Follow-Up and Feedback - Vetting authorities often provide feedback and recommendations for improvements, encouraging continuous enhancement of safety and operational standards.
  • Charter and Commercial Implications - The vetting result can significantly impact a tanker's commercial viability. Charterers may prefer vessels with positive vetting results, leading to better charter rates and more opportunities for the ship.
  • Data Sharing - Vetting results and feedback are often shared among vetting authorities and industry players, contributing to a safer and more standardized industry.

Tanker vetting is a crucial component of ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of liquid cargoes by sea, and it plays a vital role in reducing the risks associated with the industry while promoting compliance with best practices and regulations.